ECO-FIRST also offers decontamination services to other hazardous materials response teams, fire departments and emergency service organizations. Many times an agency may have the ability to control a hazardous materials situation without assistance, but might need help with the construction and operation of an OSHA-approved decontamination system. Whether the need be for a simple two-stage rinse unit or for a complex multi-step wash and collection system suitable for Level A personal protective equipment, ECO-FIRST has a mobile decontamination system ready to respond to your location at a moment’s notice.


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While much of the mainstream media attention is drawn toward the dramatic highway, rail and waterway spill, the vast majority of emergency responses to hazardous materials incidents take place within the confines of a factory or other fixed facility. ECO-FIRST has the equipment, supplies and manpower to assist your company’s emergency response or haz-mat crew with initial containment, cleanup and disposal of virtually any hazardous material or waste.

Even if your company does not have its own hazardous materials response crew and relies on the local fire department for this service, ECO-FIRST is still here 24-hours a day to help.

Fixed Facility


ECO-FIRST added a dedicated tractor trailer unit in 2004 for the specific purpose of responding to hazardous materials incidents involving trucks and their hazardous cargos. Our firm averages several responses per month within a 200-mile radius of our home office and has everything we need packaged and ready to respond in our dedicated emergency response vehicle.

In addition to having the capability of transporting up to six crew members, our emergency response truck also tows a 36-foot hazardous materials command and control trailer featuring a state-of-the-art office and computer resource center, a mobile kitchen and laboratory, as well as enough monitoring, personal protective equipment and cleanup supplies to handle most all situations. Our unit is also set up with mobile lighting features and a full-length observation deck atop the rig.




While most major railroads have their own hazardous materials response resources,
ECO-FIRST realizes that these teams and resources are often several hours away. We are happy to provide rail customers with quality local response efforts until their nationwide contractors arrive, or we are more than willing to handle the small fuel spill or derailment which does not require the activation of a nationwide response.

ECO-FIRST can also assist with media relations at the emergency site ensuring that timely and accurate information is provided to the local and national media.





Many times the source of a spill isn’t immediately known or the responsible party is no where to be found. Don’t let this stop you from providing quality emergency response services.

ECO-FIRST’s dedicated hazardous materials staff will work with local, county, state or federal environmental officials to make sure the initial containment and collection of such problems are taken care of promptly.






Based just minutes from the Ohio River, ECO-FIRST knows first-hand the readiness required to provide effective spill response to marine-based clients. While providing quality environmental and safety services to many towing and fleeting firms along the Ohio, ECO-FIRST also assists land-based facilities and marine companies with damming and retention response services when needed. A charter member of the Ohio-Kanawha Spill Response Council, ECO-FIRST also participates with local marine-based companies in drills and seminars to ensure our readiness.





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