ECO-FIRST is happy to help support local educational, motivational and spiritual work through corporate contributions. Our firm provides monetary support annually to many different charitable organizations, groups, clubs and associations which support the company’s mission statement of making Earth a better place.

We are proud to be a supporter of our local schools, civic organizations and churches, and historically have been a donor to the local Fraternal Order of Police’s Shop With a Cop and Easter Basket programs, volunteer fire department annual fund drives, marching band boosters, churches and other groups.

Requests for donations may be sent to the company through the contact page of this web site or by sending us a written request. Donations are limited to $50 per event, must take place in the geographic area served by ECO-FIRST and support our company mission of Making Earth a better place.

Website Community


At least one of our employees maintain membership in the Cabell/Wayne Local Emergency Planning Committee in an attempt to keep involved in local hazardous materials preparation and planning.

The LEPC, which meets six times annually and was mandated by the 1986 Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act, is made up of industry officials, emergency response personnel and the general public, with a goal of preparing our communities for response to hazardous materials emergencies.

More information about the CWLEPC can be found online or by calling


Emergency Preparedness and Planning


ECO-FIRST maintains associate membership in Miss Utility West Virginia, Inc., a division of the nationwide one-call utility locate system.

Miss Utility West Virginia is a group made up of underground utility providers, contractors and users whose main focus is preventing accidental damage to underground electrical, water, sewer, gas or other utility lines while digging.

ECO-FIRST is a frequent user of the one-call system and recommends that anyone who is digging on public or private lands notify their local one-call center prior to beginning work. Miss Utility West Virginia’s one-call locate number is 1-800-245-4848 which should be called at least 72 hours before planned digging takes place.

For more information you can contact the organization on-line at or call


Underground Utility Protection


ECO-FIRST is a charter member of the Ohio/Kanawha Spill Response Council whose goal is to prevent and prepare for waterway spills on West Virginia’s navigable waterways.

The O/KSRC meets quarterly to discuss spill response plans, available resources, prevention measures and recent legislation. The group is made up of river transporters of cargo, government officials and emergency response groups who provide remediation services in the event of a spill or release.


Waterway Spillway Response