ECO-FIRST is a family-owned corporation founded in 1998. Its primary offices are located in Lesage, West Virginia, just off Interstate 64 between Huntington and Charleston. The company also operates a waste management facility in Huntington, West Virginia, and a petroleum recycling facility in Pomeroy, Ohio.

ECO-FIRST provides a full scope of environmental and safety services to clients throughout West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania, including consulting, disposal, remediation, training, emergency response and other services.

Should you have any questions or would like more information about ECO-FIRST, please feel free to contact us on-line or by telephone. We would love to share with you the resumes of our personnel and corporation, and provide you with a list of references who we are confident will share with you their pleasant experiences.

Contact Information

P.O. Box 390
Lesage, West Virginia 25537-0390
Phone: 304-736-7303
Fax: 304-736-7332
Toll Free Phone: 877-736-7303
E-mail: ecofirst@earthlink.net
Web Site: www.eco-first.com

Corporate Offices

145 Harvest View Drive
Lesage, West Virginia 25537
GPS Coordinates: 38.4722, -82.2860
EPA ID Number: WVR000501304

Waste Management Facility

Waste Management Facility:
525 Kyle Lane
Huntington, West Virginia 25702
GPS Coordinates: 38.4635, -82.3089
EPA ID Number: WVD982579243

Petroleum Recycling Facility

Petroleum Recycling Facility:
43070 State Route 124
Pomeroy, Ohio 45769
GPS Coordinates: 39.02236, -81.99310
EPA ID Number: OHR000224477

Wastewater Treatment Facility

Wastewater Treatment Facility:
80 Tower Street
Bluefield, Virginia 24605
GPS Coordinates: 37.25470, -81.27326


Dana Tomes, General Manager

Dana L. Tomes serves as general manager of ECO-FIRST and oversees all operations of the corporation. Tomes, who founded the company in November 1998 and serves as its president and majority shareholder, is a graduate of Marshall University and has spent much of his life in the environmental and emergency services fields.

A former fire chief and fire academy director, Tomes began his environmental career as a newspaper correspondent for a national news organization, writing newspaper articles related to government and environmental affairs. He later served as a project manager for a world-wide environmental remediation firm managing field projects throughout the eastern U.S.

Immediately prior to founding ECO-FIRST, he worked as a partner and chairman of the board of a regional environmental services firm. He maintains national certifications as a professional firefighter and emergency medical technician, and holds numerous environmental, health and safety instructor certifications.

Outside the workplace, Dana is married, has one adult daughter, and serves as a member of The Gideons International.  You can reach Dana by email at danatomes@eco-first.com or by mobile phone at 304-416-0445.

Dana Tomes, General Manager

MILLARD RYDER, Waste Transportation Supervisor

Millard M. Ryder serves as the manager of ECO-FIRST’s waste transportation group.  His primary duties include the daily management and operation of the company’s involvement with hazardous and non regulated waste transportation and disposal.  Daily tasks include the proper manifesting, labeling, grouping, placarding, storage and transportation of waste containers to various recycling and disposal facilities used by ECO-FIRST.

Ryder is a lifelong resident of Milton, WV, and previously spent 12 years in the construction industry before joining Mobile Truck and Equipment Cleaning, Inc., in 1997. He served as an industrial cleaning technician with MOTEC until the company was acquired by ECO-FIRST in May 2005.

In his off time, Ryder enjoys rebuilding trucks and fishing.  You can reach Millard by email at millardryder@eco-first.com or by mobile phone at 304-416-3587.

Millard Ryder, Waste Transportation Supervisor

LEE RYDER , Waste Management Supervisor

Lee Ryder is the facility manager at ECO-FIRST, charged with maintaining the company’s Lesage, WV facilities and managing the many waste streams which pass through the facility. Lee’s duties include maintaining the physical properties as well as consolidating non regulated, non hazardous and universal wastes into bulk containers in preparation for shipment to other regional disposal and recycling facilities.

Lee brings more than 30 years of management experience to ECO-FIRST, including more than eight years in the construction industry and more than 11 years in the underground utilities industry. Lee, who joined the ECO-FIRST team in 2014, is proficient in construction technologies, welding, maintenance, and heavy equipment operation.

A native of Milton, WV, Lee can be found on a local lake fishing in his spare time or in the woods during hunting season. You can reach Lee by email at leeryder@eco-first.com or by mobile phone at 304-962-5022.

Lee Ryder, Waste Management Supervisor

MARILYN MEADE, Office Manager

Marilyn Meade serves as the office manager at ECO-FIRST’s corporate office in Lesage, WV. A resident of Huntington, WV, Marilyn is the mother of three children and grandmother to one grand child, as well as grandmother to two dogs and four cats.

She has many years of office support experience, including time as a emergency service specialist for the American Red Cross, a tax preparer, and patient portal associate with a major physican’s group.

Marilyn can be reached via email at marilynmeade@eco-first.com or by telephone at
304-736-7303, extension 302.


Marilyn Meade, Office Manager


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