EFI opens petroleum transfer facility in Southern Ohio

In a joint venture with Capital City Oil, Inc. of Mount Vernon, OH, ECO-FIRST, Inc. has opened a bulk petroleum storage and transfer facility in Gallia County, OH.

The multi-tank transfer facility adds more than 50,000 gallons of additional petroleum storage space for oils and other petroleum products which are destined for recycling.

ECO-FIRST Operations Manager Sterling Ayers says the centralized location between ECO-FIRST’s West Virginia office and warehouse facilities and Capital City Oil’s northeastern Ohio processing plant dramatically increases the company’s petroleum recycling abilities.

“We now have a location where we can deposit oils and other fluids being picked up by our route trucks which can easily be accessed by Capital City’s tractor trailer fleet which transfers it for processing and resale,” Ayers said. “This allows for the timely recycling of the increased volumes of oils we are seeing from our Kentucky and Virginia operations. It can now be moved to market faster and more efficiently.”

ECO-FIRST is responsible for recycling and remarketing more than one million gallons of used oils each year from across West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia and Pennsylvania.

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Third compressor station demolition awarded to EFI

Third compressor station demolition awarded to EFI

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ECO-FIRST completes largest lab pack to date

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ECO-FIRST chosen for gas facility demolition

ECO-FIRST chosen for gas facility demolition

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