ECO-FIRST chosen for gas facility demolition

ECO-FIRST has been awarded the contract to demolish an oil and gas separation and injection facility in Southern West Virginia, the company has announced.

The contract calls for the removal of two structures, two large above ground storage tanks, an underground oil/water separation system and several hundred feet of piping.

At the conclusion of the project, ECO-FIRST personnel will have returned the property to it’s original grade, removed fencing, gates, electrical poles and returned the site to it’s native grass.

To date, ECO-FIRST has provided demolition services to nearly 10 oil and gas compressor and processing facilities for this same client.

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Third compressor station demolition awarded to EFI

Third compressor station demolition awarded to EFI

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EFI opens petroleum transfer facility in Southern Ohio

EFI opens petroleum transfer facility in Southern Ohio

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ECO-FIRST completes largest lab pack to date

ECO-FIRST completes largest lab pack to date

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